Twila Edwards | Real Estate Buying & Selling in Arizona

Mortgage rates what??

Are you feeling a bit lost about what’s going on with mortgage rates? You’re not alone. Sometimes, you hear they’re dropping, and then you turn around, and someone says they’re climbing. What’s the deal?

Here’s the scoop: Mortgage rates are like a roller coaster. They don’t just go up or down in a straight line because so many things can shake them up—like how the economy’s doing or what the Federal Reserve decides.

Imagine looking at a chart showing how these rates have changed over the last few months. You’d see lots of ups and downs. If you only look at a short period, like from the start of the month until now, you might think, “Oh no, they’re going up!” But if you compare today’s rates to the highest point they hit back in October, you’ll notice they’ve actually dropped a bit.

Here’s what to remember: Don’t sweat the small day-to-day changes. Instead, try to see the bigger picture. While rates will always have their ups and downs, the overall trend gives you a better idea of where they’re heading. And good news for homebuyers, it seems like the trend might be more about rates going down this year.

If you’ve got questions or are curious about how this affects you and your plans to buy or sell a house, let’s chat. I’m here to help make sense of it all.

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